Will the Rise of Humanoid Robots Structurally Dampen Wage Inflation?

May 1, 2024

Christos Charalambous, CFA

The ascent of general-purpose humanoid robots is poised to be a transformative force in the global economy. Various industry surveys suggest a $50-100bn market size for humanoid robots by 2030, with targeted costs per robot in the $20-50k range. Elon Musk believes there could be one billion robots by 2040. These mechanical marvels, powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence and sensory capabilities, promise unparalleled efficiency and productivity. In addition, these robots could cost as little as $12/hour to lease or operate and they can work around the clock with replaceable batteries. Therefore, manufacturing and business unit labor costs are likely to witness a meaningful downward trajectory.

The integration of humanoid robots into various sectors heralds a paradigm shift in the labor market. While their efficiency and precision offer undeniable benefits, they simultaneously pose a challenge to traditional employment structures. The partial displacement of human labor by these robots, particularly in low-skilled and routine tasks, threatens to exert downward pressure on wages across industries, creating a net negative effect on wage inflation. This dampening effect on wage inflation stems from the fundamental economics of automation. With robots assuming tasks previously performed by human workers, the bargaining power of labor diminishes, leading to suppressed wages.

Despite the looming challenges, the integration of humanoid robots also presents opportunities for reskilling and upskilling the workforce. By investing in education and training programs tailored to the needs of a technologically driven economy, policymakers can equip workers with the skills necessary to thrive in this new landscape.

In conclusion, the rise of humanoid robots represents a double-edged sword for wage inflation. While their integration promises increased efficiency and productivity, it also portends dampening wages on a net basis. Yet, in the context of an ageing workforce and looming worker shortages, a big productivity boost bodes well for real GDP growth and an in-check inflation backdrop is a positive for bond markets and economy-wide financing costs.


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